Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Sun Is Going Out

Gently slip rainbows into soft padded envelopes
Squeeze all the clouds into clean pillow cases
Tear down the sky and roll it up neatly
For the sun is going out.

Cover the mountains in old dust sheets
Scoop seas and oceans into large plastic buckets
Mop up the rivers, the streams and lakes
For the sun is going out.

Pack cities and towns into boxes and stack
Put jungles and forests into large green sacks
Hoover up hedges, bushes and flowers
For the sun is going out.

Lay silhouettes and reflections between sheets of old newspaper
Keep sparkles and twinkles in clear glass jars
Scrumple up time into a ball, and throw it up to the stars
For the sun is going out.

Cover it all with the sand from the deserts
Wrap the moon tightly in silver foil
And put food out for the animals one last time
For the sun is going out.

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